When I was first diagnosed with blood cancer, my body and mind felt fragile. I felt ungrounded, like I was spinning out of control. It was on my mat that I found a soft place to land.
I leaned into restorative yoga, gentle breathwork, and meditation, letting these practices wrap around me and move through me. Slowly, with each breath and each moment of stillness, I began to feel safe in my body again.
I leaned into the quiet strength that yoga offers, a strength that isn’t loud or forceful, but steady, resilient, and deeply compassionate.
Through the years, my mat has witnessed my tears, my laughter, my moments of joy, and my struggles. It has been a steady presence, holding space for me through every shift and change. My mat doesn’t judge, it simply invites me to be present and show up exactly as I am.
Now, at the age of 52, I feel strong, not because life has gotten easier, but because my practice has helped to make me resilient. My mat is where I come to check in with myself. It’s where I ask - How am I doing today? Are there aches or newfound strength? Where is my balance - physical, emotional?
And most importantly, can I smile at myself if I wobble?! Can I meet those wobbles with grace and still laugh when I tumble out of a pose!
My mat holds my stories of strength, vulnerability, healing, and growth. It’s where I find clarity, where I reconnect with my breath, and where I remind myself to stay present, no matter what life brings 💗