The world may feel overwhelming at times, filled with uncertainty and constant change. As yoga practitioners, we are reminded of a vital truth, we can’t control the world outside of us, but we can control how we respond to it.
Yoga teaches us to come back to the present moment, to ground ourselves in what is real right now, and to recognize that even when the external world feels chaotic, there is an inner sanctuary we can cultivate.
The Yogic Approach to Control and Focus

In yoga philosophy, the concept of pratyahara, withdrawal of the senses, teaches us to turn our focus inward, away from distractions and external noise. When life feels turbulent, pratyahara encourages us to ask What is within my power in this moment?
From this place of introspection, we can identify small, meaningful actions that align with our inner calm. Through breath, movement, or mindfulness, we anchor ourselves in what truly matters, rather than being swept away by external circumstances.
Journal Prompt
“What is one small thing I can control right now, and how can I focus on that today?”
Take a moment to reflect on this question from a yogic perspective. Use your practice as a guide to explore areas of control, such as your breath, your thoughts, your body, or your actions.
Here are some examples to help you begin -
Your Breath
Control The rhythm and depth of your breathing.
Action Pause and practice a few rounds of Sama Vritti (equal breathing) Inhale for a count of 4, exhale for a count of 4. Let this even rhythm create balance within.
Your Body
Control How you move and care for your physical self.
Action Step onto your mat and flow through a short sequence like Sun Salutations to reconnect with your body. Even one pose, like Child’s Pose (Balasana) or Legs-Up-The-Wall (Viparita Karani), can ground and soothe you.
Your Mind
Control Where you direct your attention.
Action Practice mindfulness by choosing one task to focus on fully today, whether it’s preparing a meal, journaling, or a moment of stillness in meditation. Let your thoughts settle as you stay present with the activity.
Your Perspective
Control How you perceive and respond to challenges.
Action Write down three things you are grateful for today. Gratitude shifts your focus from what is lacking to what is abundant, creating a sense of peace.
In yoga, we learn that while we can't control the world around us, we can find steadiness within. Through pratyahara, we turn inward, focusing on our breath, movement, or perspective to anchor ourselves.
What small action are you focusing on today to create more peace within?